Request for Clinton County Planning Commission
Review of Subdivision
Wayne Township received on ___________ date a completed subdivision application from _______________________________ for a lot subdivision. In accordance with the PA Municipalities Planning Code, we request your review comments on this (Sketch, Preliminary, Final) plan subdivision application.
Please find enclosed:
________ Appropriate number of plans, (6 copies)
________ DEP Planning Module, Component # _____
________ Sewage Disposal Agreement
________ Site Investigation and Percolation Test Report
________ Water Supply Agreement
________ Private Right-of-Way Agreement
________ Road Profiles and Cross Sections
________ Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Plan
________ Storm water Management Plan
________ Township Driveway Permit/PA Dot Highway Occupancy Permit
________ Deed Covenants and Restrictions
________ Other (specify) __________________________