Wayne Township Recreation Committee Accepting Donations for Holiday House

Revised Wayne Township Business License Ordinance

Dear Business Owner:
The Wayne Township Board of Supervisors has revised the Wayne Township Business License Ordinance increasing the annual fee for a Business License to $20.00. A copy of the Business License Ordinance is enclosed for your files.
The Ordinance requires all businesses to purchase a Business License at the beginning of each year which will be valid January 1st through December 31st , and licenses will no longer be issued for more than one year.
Please complete the enclosed application form and return it along with your check made payable to Wayne Township in the amount of $20.00. The application and payment may be mailed to the Wayne Township Zoning Office at PO Box 217, McElhattan, PA 17748. If you prefer, you may schedule an appointment to purchase a Business License at the Zoning Office.
If you have any questions, to schedule an appointment, or if you are no longer operating a business in Wayne Township, please call me at 570-295-6557.
Thank you in advance for your prompt response.
Very truly yours,
Terry Crawford
Wayne Township Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer
Please click the below images to review the new business license ordinance:
Wayne Township Emergency Management Template

Please click the link below to download the Emergency Management Template:
The Clinton County Office of Emergency Management has taken on the task of getting a listing of all resources and needs within the County. To achieve this goal each Township Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) has been given a Resource Template to start getting information from within their township.
Please, if you or know anyone within Wayne Township that needs any Special Alert Notifications
We would greatly appreciate you forwarding this information to the Wayne Township Emergency Management Coordinator, Richard Scheesley at [email protected] or at (570)916-2820.
The information generated will be very useful in the event of any natural or man-made disaster. A complete and up to date listing will prove it’s worth during a time of needs.